Reject Gold and Lead processing at Dargues Reef
We call on the NSW and Federal Governments to reject Cortona/Big Island Mining's proposal to process gold and lead at Dargues Reef at Major's Creek, NSW, and to: . protect the households, peach orchards, market gardens, jobs, endangered species and many millions of dollars of NSW income at risk from the proposed development . reject the current inadequately substantiated water modeling of the proposed Dargues Reef mine and ore processing centre, and require the developer to provide accurate data from new and relevent bores sites to support their modeling of the threats surface and ground water in Major's Creek and downstream; . reject Cortona's current unsubstantiated EPBC assessement of threats to endangered species, and provide genuine assessments with on site surveys to adequately address the threats to endangered from loss of water and pollution from Xanthates and other chemicals; . to only approve a development that moves the proposed tailings' dams and processing of gold and lead ore 1.5km over the ridge to a safer site that does not endanger the drinking water of residents, the peach and other industries downstream, or threatened species; . to only approve a development that takes all water for processing from the Jembaicumbene aquifer, or trucks in water in times of drought, instead of removing water from the already stressed aquifer of Major's Creek and the Araluen Valley and Deau and Moruya River systems; . to allow sufficient time for an independent team of hydrologists to assess all data to determine the level of threat posed by any such proposed development.