Natural Touch colored contact lenses to be relaunched
Daniel Bennett 0

Natural Touch colored contact lenses to be relaunched

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This is a formal petition, the aim of which is that the satisfied customers of Natural Touch® colored conventional soft contact lenses nowadays manufactured by CooperVision, Inc., a division of Cooper Companies Inc., which has been previously manufactured by Pilkington-Sola Barnes Hind express their displeasement towards Coopervision’s decision to discontinue this characteristic product line of their catalogue. The undersigning people claim that: - Natural Touch® is a color contact lens which has a unique iris pattern that mimics the natural iris variegations present on the real human eyes and that has an exclusive, effective printing system that emulates handpanting, (although this method based in ink-dispersion print has replaced for a serigraph/calcography system several years ago, modifying and making worse the original result and size of Natural Touch® also causing irregularities on the resulting lenses manufacturated in the last years.) Thus, we find a terrible mistake to discontinue a product that, in essence, does not have any brand that surpasses its cosmetic result and appeal when on the eyes of the wearer. - Natural Touch® lens is a product line that has risen its demand on the market during the last years due to an increase of the popularity of the product as a result of being seen on numerous celebrities and fashion icons, who choose this lens as a trademark for its unique results in spite of the declined of quality since the change of the printing system. - We consider that there is no understandable reason to stop manufacturing a product with which a huge number of customers are happy and to which we are loyal. - Customers who choose Natural Touch® as their personal choice on color contact lenses do it because they specially try to avoid the monotonous, dull and artificial Dot-Matrix Pattern which is the system used to print Expressions® Colors and 99% of colored contact lens nowadays that kills the depth of natural eyes turning them into muddy, unpleasant and artificial colors, and express their desire to have the alternative to this dot matrix system that can really change their eye color, adding to it a glossy look and a smoothy iris pattern, as they have enjoyed through several years with the brand Natural Touch. - Natural Touch® color contact lens customers are perfectly aware that there are brands by other manufacturers that will give them similar results, with the disadvantage for CooperVision that the money will go straight to its direct competitors. This means that most Natural Touch® customers are not going to substitute it for Expressions®, but for SofLens Natural Colors or Optima Natural Look by Bausch & Lomb, or other colored lenses by Ciba Vision which although its are also printed with a Dot-Matrix system but with more realistic results and most similar to Natural Touch® than Expressions® Colors. - We think that CooperVision should be more aware of their customers’ needs and hear what they have to say. We also feel that CooperVision has proven to some of its customers (the undersigned) that it is a company that thinks not about offering quality, but about earning money. Taking a look at the internet forums about contact lens reviews you will discover that Natural Touch® and Elegance®(that derives from the original Natural Touch by Pilkington-Sola Barnes Hind since it is using the exact same iris pattern) are the most popular brands, undoubtedly. - The company probably have had a decrease in sales of these conventional contact lenses because of the boom of disposable ones, but they would have sold many more units if they had not changed the painting system of the lens and spoiling their design a few years ago. - We kindly try to transmit our opinion to CooperVision's headquarters and let them know our desire that this brand is relaunched. - Finally, we state that we are customers from all over the globe who have been professionally fitted for the brand Natural Touch® and who wear them successfully. Sincerely, The Undersigned

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