Release the Buck T-Rex HC Figure *WORLDWIDE*
Terry Davis Jr

Release the Buck T-Rex HC Figure *WORLDWIDE*

296 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Terry Davis Jr
296 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is sponsored by Jurassic-Pedia, the unofficial Jurassic Park/Jurassic World encyclopedia. Jurassic-Pedia has always strived to be the most trusted authority of all things Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. We archive the canon of the series in order for the fandom to understand and enjoy it. We want Mattel Creations to release one of the most beloved "dinosaur characters" of the franchise in an action figure form with collector-quality detail and immeasurable accuracy in comparison to the original animatronic produced for The Lost World: Jurassic Park film, as offered by the recent, crowdfund.

Mattel Creations recently held a crowdfund for the Jurassic Park series that was unsuccessfully funded. One of the many things offered on the crowdfund, and at a specific backer level, was the Buck T-Rex from the second movie in this collector-level detail and quality. While our goal is to meet the 5,000 signature level - which is what the original Gates project required to meet to consider it funded, we urge as many people to add their signatures as possible to exceed that specific goal to prove the animal's popularity. We believe this is possible to meet given the animal's popularity and beloved status in the fandom!

Rumor has it the reason for its inclusion in the crowdfund for the Jurassic Park Gates was that it was believed by Mattel that the Buck would not sell if it reached store shelves - we want to prove Mattel wrong in this thought! The dinosaur is a popular and well-loved icon by the fandom due to it being featured heavily in the second movie's climax and ending and we believe it would sell. There are alternatives to brick-and-mortar retailers where it could be offered as an exclusive (Worldwide availability), on Mattel Creations website ideally, another outlet like BigBadToyStore, EntertainmentEarth, or even Amazon.

This petition is to show Mattel there is massive support for making this figure and to help show that there is still a collector market for the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World toylines. Share on social media with these hashtags: #ReleaseTheBuck #NoBuckNoBucks #WeWantTheBuck and let us make it Jurassic!

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