Release The
Daniel Devoy 0

Release The "Pussy Melter TonePrint By Satchel" On TC Electronic Effects

3015 signers. Add your name now!
Daniel Devoy 0 Comments
3015 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition was started to show the support by musicians for the "Pussy Melter" preset on TC Electronic pedals. TC electronic has bowed to pressure by a number of musicians on the grounds that the product was sexist, and personally offended them. We want to asses how many people hold the opposite view, and believe that people have the right to enjoy all kinds of products and humour, while other have the right to not buy or endorse those things.

Our argument is that it is unfair for a small number of personal objections to have the power to dictate the will of an independent company. We in no way blame TC Electronic for their decision to remove the product for fear of bad press. This petition is an appeal for the company to take a pro-consumer and anti-censorship stance on the issue.

This petition is in no way an adversarial act towards any of the people involved in creating the original petition which had the product removed. This is simply to assess the number of people in opposition to TC Electronics decision to remove or alter the product.

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