Religious Rights To Believe In Traditional Marriage Under First Admendment
Jordan Wells 0

Religious Rights To Believe In Traditional Marriage Under First Admendment

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Jordan Wells 0 Comments
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Hi my name is Jordan Wells I am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who produces a radio program called The Voice Of The Prophetic Report. That specializes in the proving that the prophesies of the bible are coming to pass in our daily news. However, lately I have been troubled by the attacks by this current administration, which have been in direct conflict with the first amendment. In the army, and air force military soldiers are being persecuted like never before, they are being court marshaled, and discharged because of there stance for biblical marriage, which we are supposed to be protected under, by the first amendment. I am reporting on stories were Christian organizations are being sued, for not providing services for gay couples, based on there religious beliefs that marriage is between one man, and one women. America was founded by godly men, and women who stood on these foundations. It's these foundations that has made America, the greatest country this world has ever known. I respect homosexual people, as people created by God who have the right to choice if they want to believe in God or not, but I also believe that they have to respect our rights, as people who believe that Christianity was the source of this nations greatness, and also the source for every Christians existence. I am righting this petition asking every Christian no matter what your denomination, to stand with me, as I fight for our first amendment right to believe what the bible says to be right, which is marriage is between one man, and one women. I love homosexuals, and so does God, but he said it was wrong in the beginning, and it is still wrong at the end of this age. There is a bill coming in the senate that would make it illegal for anyone to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality, well for secular companies I agree. However, for the church, and other Christian organization our bible will not allow us to compromise. So every Pastor that is reading this petition who thinks this does not effect you, well it does. Just think, when this bill is passed, what would happen if you put up a position on Indeed, or another hiring site, and a homosexual applied. He or she comes to the interview, and you start asking questions,and you find out that he or she is homosexual, and you refuse to continue with the interview process. Okay what would happen when that person takes you to court, and because that law has been passed. You are told by the government to hire this person, or close the doors of your church, you say never will happen. I am saying that it already is, Christian companies all over America, are being told to compromise or close. This was never suppose to happen under the first amendment. By signing this amendment you are not only standing with me, you are standing with God to take back our nation, the homosexual community is not just siting at home hoping things will change, they are fighting for this change, so this must also be the mind of the church. I truly do believe God will take care of it, but Martin Luther King, did not just use this as a excuse, he jump into action, and also trusted God, and that's what I am going to do, and I pray that you do the same, I need your help God Bless.

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