Remake or Remaster Jade Empire.

In 2007, Bioware came out with one of the most amazing games of all time, Jade Empire. It was released for the original Xbox. It was one of the first games where your choices change the game and your morality affects how you look as well as how others treat you. It didn't do well when it first came out but it has a cult following and is still well loved to this day. I am making this petition to try and get a large game company to do a full Remaster for it. The original version is currently available on steam, the graphics are very outdated sadly and I truly believe that if redone, it would be a massive hit. If you or a friend ever played it, please consider signing this. I intend to send it to both Bioware, Square Enix and a few other game companies. Lets show them that this game is still loved.