Remove BLM material from Hudsonville Public Schools
The Hudsonville community (taxpayers & parents) want all Black Lives Matter (BLM) content removed from within all of the Hudsonville Public School buildings and properties. We do not want the BLM group promoted within our school walls in any way. This includes postings in teachers rooms, bathrooms, hallways and sporting areas. This also applies to teachers speaking in a way that endorses the BLM group. BLM has been proven to be an organization that desires to destroy the nuclear family, promotes violence and hate. This is not what we want taught to our children. The principals, superintendent and the school board of education should be held responsible to remove all BLM postings and ensure that none are posted in the future. This does not apply to teaching current events about BLM, although that should not be used as an opportunity to promote BLM. Nor does it apply to racial equality. Racial equality is something to always strive for.