krymenna badge should be remove on royale high
Why krymenna badge need to be removed wellKrymenna was being rasict , called POC that was only trying to hold her accountable ignorant. One of my fellow POC made a error in their comment and told everyone that English wasnt their first language krymenna called them illiterate for a small error Krymenna called me as a POC stop insert myself into the issus ( witch was her saying the N word) and my skin have NOTHING to do with her . krymenna and her boyfriendsaid that the N word was only a word ( when it not it's slur) we told her to say sorry to the POC she first said mind our business and clearly saying she wont then months or weeks later she make a apology it didnt feel like she was sorry honesty it feel like she only did it because her following was going down she friends with a person that called my Muslim friend a Terrorist because she was telling krymenna that she wasnt gonna forgive her and what she did was wrong krymenna keep on defending or trying to make herself look less bad . she sended her friends to attack me she call holding accountable is harassing she cant even admit that she did traced overall of that she clearly making herself look on innocent on Instagram so all her Younger fans can basically defend her she not even tell the non POC to not accpet her apologize bc it not meant for them. Instead she let them. Younger fans that probably dont know anything about rasict run around it have to be true if she let one of her stans call my friend the F slur