Remove Porn and LGBT Books from Bourbon County Library
To: Mr. Mark Adler, Director, and the Board of Trustees of the Paris-Bourbon County Public Library,
I am appalled that the Paris-Bourbon County Library has stocked more than a hundred and fifty inappropriate, pro-LGBT books for children and teens! Most of these books even have pornographic content, such as "All Boys Aren't Blue," "What's the T?: The Guide to All Things Trans and/or Non-binary," "You Do You: Figuring Out Your Body, Dating, and Sexuality," "Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human," and "Queer: The Ultimate LGBT Guide For Teens."
We both know that children are easily impressionable. Thus, the books you provide will normalize unnatural vice in their minds.
This is absolutely unacceptable!
I demand that you protect the innocence of our children by immediately removing these books from the library and by preventing the acquisition by the library of any similar materials.