Remove MHS Genesis from accessing civilians
Ryan Harris 0

Remove MHS Genesis from accessing civilians

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Ryan Harris 0 Comments
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Please help all of the recruiting shortages in the military across all branches of service in meeting their numbers. MEPS and the DOD started using a new medical screening program for new recruits enlisting in the military these records can be accessed by MHS Genesis system, this is leading to a lot of recruits being disqualified for conditions they had at one time but no longer have or have not had for years. This system can pull civilian records all the way back to birth and DQ a healthy fit soldier now for something they had years and years ago. This is unfair to recruits and very time consuming to go back to doctors that may or may not have records from over 10 plus years ago, making a lot of recruits either lose interest in the process since it's time consuming and have to reschedule 2,3,4 MEPS Appointments or, new recruits lose interest altogether. Prior service enlistees who served before wanting to reenlist hinders them as well. Prior Service should be waived from the MHS Genesis system as they were already medically qualified before. This will also help MEPS who is already struggling with staffing issues of Doctors making this more stressful on them having to look through each and every recruits medical history and when something minor is found that could just pass now leads to a medical waiver backlog which can take 4-8 weeks for approval. Most recruits are not willing to deal with the added steps. I'm all for the military for enlisting qualified individuals but, the hoops to jump through for small things is ludicrous. MHS Genesis should not have access to civilian Medical and Prescription records at all as this conflicts with HIPPA policies. Please give your signature to help ban or limit this system.

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