John Lane 0

Remove Stephen A. Smith from ESPN

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I John M. Lane and the following people request that Stephen A. Smith from ESPN be terminated. Stephan A. Smith has over the past few years said racially incited comments, said derogatory and defamatory comments about professional athletes, teams, owners and fans of various sports. We the people ask ESPN to consider removing him from their broadcasts. He is not a person who in our mind represents ESPN in a professional way. Although we understand Mr. Smith's right to voice his opinion we respectfully ask your company to consider removing him from your broadcasts. In a world full of hate, racism and violence the following viewers no longer care to hear the rants this man delivers to the world. The fans of ESPN would rather hear a person of sound mind and body with educated and thoughtful incite on what is going on in the sports world. This individual has made it his mission to personally attack certain athletes, owners, coaches and fans of the sports world. I along with the following people believe that its time ESPN take a stance and provide a better environment for broadcasters to provide a more sound educated opinion.

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