Remove the article “Gaining respect starts with respecting yourself”
alexandria Barger 0

Remove the article “Gaining respect starts with respecting yourself”

493 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
alexandria Barger 0 Comments
493 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As many of you know, there has been an article circulating the Angelo State University campus, in which a student at the school wrote and published on the rampage. This article has circulated many feelings regarding women’s bodies, sexual assault, and other things. I have seen the students band together in retaliation against this article, but something that we can do better as a student body, and as a program is to do it the right way get a petition, sign it, and take her to the school and show them what an embarrassment is causing.

Why snoop down to the level of somebody that cannot respect other women when we can ban together and make a real change at our school? If you believe that this article should not be circulating campus, and should be taken down for any reason sign this petition, if your loved one or somebody that you know has been through sexual assault, please sign this petition.

For someone to blatantly, go out of their way to write an article and judge a woman based on two people that she saw walking around campus wearing clothes is unacceptable. There should be no reason why one woman judges, another woman and tries to initiate that they’re asking to be sexually assaulted, and compared to a shovel in the van, in the article, she states that women are being objectified, but isn’t that exactly what she’s doing by comparing us to objects that have nothing concerning the human body or the form? How will one write a whole article on why it is inappropriate to objectify a woman, yet stand there in objectified woman, herself? Self-respect is not to be gained through other people in their opinion, but to be gained by one’s thoughts.

Self-respect does come through men, and what others seek as validation. Self-respect should come within it should not be on what other people think of us, especially on what a woman wears. A woman should be allowed to wear anything that she wants and not feel as if she is being looked at sexually. Sexual harassment is a non-consensual act, meaning that the person who was involved did not consent, and did not want to do what was being pushed upon them. Women have the right to wear What makes them feel good and make them self-respect in themselves not because a man validates them.

Now don’t get me wrong. She has an opinion and she can feel the way that she feels, but we, as a student body are also allowed to have our opinions and make them validated if we want something to happen then we need to stand up for ourselves by signing this petition it is a Star to ending some things so cruel.

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