Improve the safety of Weaver Park! (addition of lights and removal of stones)
Hey fellow skaters/parents and all friends of Weaver Park!
As some of you may have noticed, the Council or some representative body recently carried out work at the top of Weaver Park to remove the stony/sandy area from one section including the maintenance on the lovely tree :)
This has massively improved the park for skaters and wheeled enthusiast alike, opening up new lines and drastically reducing the number of falls related to wheel stoppage and subsequent injury from landing on these stones(we don't like to show it but they hurt!). I would like to propose that the same work be carried out or at least considered for some key problem areas of Weaver Park(pictured)
I would like to create this petition to bring awareness to this issue and ask the relevant body to do the same for highlighted areas of the park in the picture above, with your support!
1. These stones damage the surface of the park and reduce the usability of it's intended purpose - for skating!
2. Stones also scuff and erode the amazing brightness and colour brought to the area by artist James Earley's work in the bowel area (Link - )
3. They pose a hazard to those using the park and to others who may only be spectating, as it increases the unpredictability of falls - often sending boards or scooters flying causing an unnecessary hazard to passers by and small children.
4. These stones and subsequent falls discourage and frustrate beginners of the sport who are abiding by the wishes of the council to use the designated areas in the city as provided.
5. With the addition of skating and other perceived fringe sports to the upcoming Tokyo 2020 olympics, it makes sense for Dublin to encourage the uptake of these activities in a safe manner - and as mentioned these stones pose a risk to all using the area.
***Based on a comment I have added the addition of another light post in the park to provide better visibility and extend the usable hours.***
Please sign this petition to show that this is a problem that affects all users of the Park, no matter how big or small :)