Jonathan Martinez 0


138 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jonathan Martinez 0 Comments
138 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

With the market place on Xbox for Skyrim there has been numerous issues that have arrived for example in order to even gain access to the mod page you have to delete your load order otherwise you'll be stuck in an endless loop.

On top of this mod authors are only getting 30% of the revenue for the mod they create so supporting this is not only disrespectful but a huge slap in the face to the mod authors trying to make an honest living from creating content for this age old game.

Let's face it the mod page could've used an update for the UI, but it also came with thousands upon thousands of bugs making the game an unplayable the mess.

In fact any slight mention of this update in the official Bethesda discord server you were met with deletion of proof and a mute preventing you from expressing how you felt about the update or potential for one at that time.

If you ask me that is a terrible way to run a business and is something I do not support at all.

With your signatures we can help prevent this kind of nonsense in the gaming industry from ever happening again and we can shine a beacon of light to Bethesda Games Studios to make them a wake up and realize that this kind of stuff shouldn't be happening especially in the year 2023 - 2024.

Sign this petition if you believe in change, let's make gaming great again!

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