Remove these Dumped Christmas Trees from Ayr Beach NOW
Recently Christmas trees have been dumped at the Blackburn Car park End of Ayr Beach. Anyone signing this Petition IS NOT AGAINST THE IDEA, it is more the fact that it is taking place in the Main Holiday Area, on a prime site, which is loved by Holidaymakers and locals, alike. In this area we DO NOT want sand dunes created, we simply just want the beach left flat as it is and always has been. Should you wish to make Sand Dunes, do so in another area further along the coastline but NOT in the prime holiday location. It is an eyesore. The guilty party who has undertaken this idea is Belleisle Rangers. These trees should have been disposed of correctly NOT on our beautiful beach. They say they want to create sand dunes to attract wildlife and protect the land. This is rubbish, there are already adequate sea defences in place. Please sign to have these hideous trees removed off the beach and disposed of properly.