Removal of Dave Goodman as Hampton Bays Coach
We the undersigned hereby petition the Hampton Bays school board and administration for the Immediate release of David Goodman from any current or future coaching positions in the Hampton Bays school district. It is our contention that he has demonstrated such inappropriate behavior that his removal would only be in the best interest of the students/players.We also feel the he has neither the skills or discipline and most importantly the moral character to fulfill the duties required. After numerous complaints from parents AND students to the,Athletics Director AND Superintendent,no action has been taken. Documented accounts of Vulgar language in the presence of young girls,tobacco use,berating the players from his own team as well as other teams and making disparaging remarks about other coaches in the district.This is only a small sampling of his egregious behavior that has gone unheeded by the school administrators. He is not only perceived as an embarrassment to the students who proudly wear Baymen pride but to the entire community as well. This behavior is unacceptable and we feel that if he continues in this capacity he poses a potential threat to the welfare of our children.