Removing Judicial Branch from the University of North Alabama's SGA
Dayton Tenney Alabama 0

Removing Judicial Branch from the University of North Alabama's SGA

646 signers. Add your name now!
Dayton Tenney Alabama 0 Comments
646 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Judicial branch within SGA is not being utilized effectively. We are hoping to bring the powers from the judicial branch back to Senate in order to be more efficient and timely in decisions made and feel this is a way to do so. Our Rules Committee is able to take on the duties of absenteeism and ethical violations, so there is no need to continue filling positions in the judicial branch that are not being utilized. We must keep doing this until the amendment is made to our constitution.

The reason we are asking for your help is because we have to have 10% of the UNA student population (undergraduate and graduate included) to approve of us having a campus wide vote in order to start the process. By agreeing to allow this vote, you are not voting for or against the change. You would simply be giving those who work on behalf of you with the administration a right to bring a vote to the students to make this change.

If you have any feedback on ways that we can help make this experience better by working with the administration, we would be happy to voice those concerns for the students through various avenues on campus. We are here to serve the students and hope that you will reach out to me with any concerns or compliments that I can pass along.

There will be a campus wide vote on the topic in which you may participate in as long as we obtain these signatures, so please voice your student opinion at that time to provide us with your feedback! You are students and have valid opinions that SGA members are looking for in making decisions, so please help us help you during your time here at UNA!

Roar Lions,

Rules Comittee

Amendment to take place if signed:


Judicial Branch

Section 1. All judicial powers of the Student Government Association shall be vested in the Student Court, which shall be a court of original and appellate jurisdiction.

Section 2. The Student Court shall be composed of four (4) associate justices and one (1) chief justice which shall be appointed by the President of the Student Government Association and must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate present.

Section 3. Qualifications for Student Justices shall be as follows:

(A) Junior or Senior standing for position of the Chief Justice

(B) Maintenance of a minimum cumulative GPA ratio of 2.5

(C) Taking of an oath to put first the interest of justice and of the Student Body in all cases reviewed.

(D) The term of Student Court Justice shall be the time in which the justice is enrolled consecutive Fall and Spring Semesters as an undergraduate.

Section 4. An oath is to be taken at the first meeting of the Senate, following its approval, at which time the Chief Justice shall inform the Court of its duties.

Section 5. The Student Court shall have original jurisdiction in all cases involving this Constitution and appellate jurisdiction involving inter- and intra- conflicts involving students, campus clubs, organizations, and special groups. It also may act on any special case referred to it by the University Administration and by the Student Senate. The Student Court will adhere to the Constitution and the Code of Laws of the Student Government Association.

Section 6. A Prosecutor shall be assigned to all hearings.

Section 7. Qualifications for Prosecutor shall be as follows:

(A) Junior or Senior standing

(B) Maintenance of a minimum scholastic ratio of 2.5

(C) Hold no other office in the Student Government Association

Section 8. Any decision of the Student Court may be appealed directly to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Section 9. General meetings of the Student Court shall be open to any member of the University community as a spectator.

Section 10. An advisor to the Student Court shall be selected in the manner indicated by the Director of Student Engagement.

II. Now to read as:



Section 1. All judicial powers of the Student Government Association shall be vested in the Rules Committee of the SGA Senate.

Section 2. The Rules Committee shall have original jurisdiction in all cases involving this Constitution and appellate jurisdiction involving inter- and intra- conflicts of SGA members and appeals from SGA members upon removal from applicable branch. It also may act on any special case referred to it by the University Administration and by the Student Senate.

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