Rename the Calgary Airport - "McCall Field International"

Calgary International Airport (YYC) has come a long way since its inception in 1914. Situated in Bowness, 10 kilometres from the city, the original airfield was comprised of a grass airstrip and a ramshackle hut, which served as both hangar and terminal building.
The Calgary Municipal Airport at Refrew was established in 1928. Several of the hangars still exist and are in use today, even though the area has been converted to a residential neighbourhood. In 1938, the facility moved to its present location in Calgary's northeast and was christened McCall Field, in honour of Captain Fred McCall, a World War I flying ace and one of Calgary's pioneer aviators.
In 1940, the airport was taken over by the Federal Department of Transport to serve the war effort and was not returned to its original owner, the City of Calgary, until 1949. During this time, the federal government expanded the airport to include four runways and five wartime hangers.
** Taken from http://www.yyc.com/en-us/calgaryairportauthority/h...