Rename the Republican Party as the Trump Party
Joseph Arnold

Rename the Republican Party as the Trump Party

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Joseph Arnold
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel @GOPChairwoman :

We should mark the defeat of impeachment by changing the name of the Republican Party to the Trump Party.

The United States Senate has just voted unbending loyalty to our president Donald Trump, strongly protecting him from the brazen Democrat attack that Trump broke the law and the Constitution. The Senators said Trump was right, it was a perfect call (Read the Transcript!). The Senate believes that Trump is correct when he said that "I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president."

President Trump has finally defeated Hillary Clinton who wished to undo the election and successfully driven all the RINOs -- like Justin Amash, Bill Kristol, and Rick Wilson -- out of the Republican Party. Trump has made the Republican Party strong and united. We should honor this huge victory by renaming the party for Donald Trump.

The people are behind this effort. A poll found a majority of Republicans believe Donald Trump is a better president than Abraham Lincoln. It is time to rename the party in honor of President Trump.

Sign this, send it to your friends and tweet the voting members of the RNC (listed below) that you support this change.

God bless America!

Joseph R. Arnold

P.S. Also, instead of using the color red for Republican (against Democrat blue), the Trump party should use gold for Trump!


Here are most of the voting members of the Republican National Committee and their Twitter handles. Let them know you want to make this historic change!

You can copy and use this message to link back here: "As a voting member of the RNC, will you honor the president's victory over impeachment by voting to officially change the name of the Republican Party to the Trump Party? #TrumpPartyNow"

Terry Lathan @ChairmanLathan Tuckerman Babcock @Tuckermanr Jonathan Lines @JWLines Doyle Webb @RPAChairman Jessica Patterson @millanpatterson Jeff Hays @cologop J. R. Romano @TheBigChezy Mike Harrington @degop José Cunningham @jevc Blaise Ingoglia @GovGoneWild David Shafer @DavidShafer Shirlene Ostrov @ShirleneOstrov Jennifer Locke @IdahoGOP Tim Schneider @ILGOP Kyle Hupfer @ChairmanHupfer Jeff Kaufmann @kaufmannGOP Kelly Arnold @KansasGOP Mac Brown @KYGOP Louis Gurvich @LAGOP Demi Kouzounas @mainegop Dirk Haire @DirkHaire Jim Lyons @JimLyonsMA Ron Weiser @RonaldWeiser Jennifer Carnahan @jkcarnah Lucien Smith @LucienSmith Todd Graves @ToddPGraves Debra Lamm @DebraLamm Dan Welch @NEGOP Michael J. McDonald @McDonaldNV Stephen Stepanek @NHGOP Doug Steinhardt @DSteinhardtEsq Ryan Cangiolosi @NewMexicoGOP Nick Langworthy @NickLangworthy Rick Berg @NDGOP Jane Timken @JaneyMurph Pam Pollard @officialOKGOP Bill Currier @BillCurrier Lawrence Tabas @PAGOP Brandon Bell @BrandonBellRI Drew McKissick @DrewMcKissick Dan Lederman @danlederman Scott Golden @TNGOP James Dickey @jamesdickey Rob Anderson @UtahGOP Deb Billado @BilladoDeb Caleb Heimlich @CalebHeimlich Melody Potter @WVGOP Andrew Hitt @AndrewHittGOP Frank Eathorne @WyomingGOP Paul Reynolds @ALGOP Glenn Clary @akgop Bruce Ash @AZGOP Jonathan Barnett @ARGOP George Leing @GeorgeLeing John H. Frey @CTGOP W. Laird Stabler III @degop Robert Kabel @LogCabinGOP Peter Feaman @FeamanPeter Jason Thompson @GJasonThompson Gene Ward @repward Raul Labrador @Raul_Labrador Damond Watkins @IdahoGOP Richard Porter @ILGOP John Hammond @indgop Steve Scheffler @IowaGOP Mike Kuckelman @kuckelman_mike Mike Duncan @KYGOP Ross Little Jr. @RossLittle25 David Bossie @David_Bossie Ron Kaufman @Ron_Kaufman Laura Cox @MIGOPChair Rick Rice @rickricemn Henry Barbour @HenryBarbour Art Wittich @ArtWittich J. L. Spray @NEGOP Lee Hoffman @NVGOP Chris Ager @ChrisAger8 Bill Palatucci @billpalatucci Mark Brody @NCGOP Shane Goettle @VoteGoettle Solomon Yue Jr. @SolomonYue Luis Fortuño @luisfortuno51 Glenn McCall @GMcCallSC Ried Holien @SDSenateWhip Robin Armstrong @Robinlynnarmst1 Jay Shepard @VTGOP Morton Blackwell @MortonBlackwell Larry Pack @LarryPack Amata C. Radewagen @RepAmata Lori Klein Corbin @lklein4 Jonelle Fulmer @jonellefulmer Harmeet Dhillon @pnjaban Leora Levy @labbielady Ellen Barrosse @RNCWDE Jill Homan @jillhoman Kathleen King @FloridaGOP Ginger Howard @GaRepublicans Miriam Hellreich @mhellreich Cindy Siddoway @CSiddoway Demetra DeMonte @demetrademonte Anne Hathaway @indgop Helen Van Etten @KansasGOP KC Crosbie @hecallsmejane Lenar Whitney @LenarWhitney Nicolee Ambrose @NicoleeAmbrose Keiko Orrall @KeikoOrrall Kathy Berden @KathyBerdenGOP Janet Beihoffer @JBeihoffer Jeanne C. Luckey @MSGOP Susie Eckelkamp @MissouriGOP Jennifer Fielder @SenatorFielder Lydia Brasch @LydiaBrasch Diana Orrock @DianaOrrock Juliana Bergeron @juliana4ncw Carolyn McLarty @okrncw Christine Jack Toretti @CToretti Zoraida "Zori" Fonalledas @ZoriFonalledas Lee Ann Sennick @TakeAStand1380 Toni Anne Dashiell @tonianne55 Anne-Marie Lampropoulos @UtahGOP Cynthia Dunbar @CynthiaNDunbar Fredi Simpson @fredi_simpson Kayla Ann Kessinger @KaylaKessinger Marti Halverson @HalversonMarti

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