Renew Ghost Whisperer for a Sixth Season.

Ghost Whisperer has captivated enormous audiences with its unique blend of intrigue and heartfelt (yet, spooky) storytelling. With so many stories left untold (Gabriel, dark spirits), it's time to revive the Grandview universe and explore new adventures alongside familiar and even spooky spirits, like Romano.
Fans around the world are eager to see the return of Melinda Gordon, her Antique Store (Same As It Never Was), and all the ghosts that made this (magical) show unforgettable, the ones who made Melinda a busy woman, whisperer. Sign this petition to bring back Ghost Whisperer for a sixth season!
Personally, I agree with all those things, I mean, spirits crossing over, but coming back to help us. That happened to me, with my little unborn sister (died a few months before the due date). She went to the Light, almost six years ago, but she came back as a spirit, in my dreams, to be close to me, and protect me from everything, and everyone. Sometimes, she just stays away, and look at me, doing nothing. Thanks to Ghost Whisperer, I can now understand and accept stuffs like that, that started to happen, which are real and meaningfull.
Even that Andrea's story, Aiden's habilities, etc, I have no doubts that those things exist, but people need to open their minds, and believe a little more. Grandview it's a special place, a little city with mysteries, ghosts, where everything can happen, it's a metaphor of, you know, that refers the few people who believe in those stuffs, and sometimes they stay stuck, because they're afraid to tell the world what they can do, hear, see, etc. And Melinda Gordon really inspires me and other people, who deal with paranormal, spooky, and grief situations daily.
Well, that's what I learned with Ghost Whisperer, and I'm hoping to see a sixth season next year. It's time, folks!