Reopen The South Suburban YMCA in Harvey, Illinois

The YMCAof South Suburban Chicago
in Harvey,Il was very instrumental to the growth and development of the youth in the south suburbs, they offered many different after school programs, Basketball leagues for both youth and adults, swimming lessons and a host of other activities. To enter they either had a small fee per day, or you could purchase an individual or family membership for the month or year. The YMCA in Harvey was a great place to learn fundamentals in different sports, a good academic study and tutorial environment and a great place to meet new friends. Now our youth of today are being deprived of the opportunity to experience the great summer programs as well as the after school programs that we had when we were growing up. The Y also kept many children out of mischief and gave us the an outlet to let off some of the daily stresses that the youth go through by giving them a positive and safe environment to learn not only how to perform well in sports, but it also taught us great social skills and how to interact with others. So anyone that can and will please like and share this to everyone you know that lives in the south suburban area or anyone that you think will be willing to help in the task of reopening the YMCA to the South Suburban Communities and our families. Thank you...