Repeal and Rethink Swampscott's Chemical Health Policy
We, the undersigned, respectfully ask the Swampscott School Committee to delay the implementation of the new Chemical Health Policy at Swampscott High School, until such time as it can be reexamined and changed to better reflect and achieve the cumulative goals and desires of our community. While we recognize the necessity for the town to address the pressing issue of adolescent substance abuse, we do not believe that the current policy will be effective in doing so. We feel that the process of developing such a policy must include considerably more input from experts in the field, as well as teachers, students, parents and other townspeople. While we understand that the policy has been vetted by an attorney, we have had multiple attorneys review the policy and have been advised that it violates people's rights and can be challenged in court at the expense of the taxpayers of Swampscott.