Replace the BBC as Media Regulator in the Scottish Independence Referendum
The BBC were appointed by Westminster as the news Regulator for the Scottish Independence referendum!
As Westminster are entirely opposed to Scottish independence;
1) How can this Regulator of media be impartial and afford equal suffrage in our campaign?
2) How can this Regulator of media be impartial if the leader of the Better Together campaign was the former BBC Chief Executive Officer?
The BBC has suppressed the positive side of the campaign and promoted
the cause of those against, by presenting a bombardment of negativity
towards Scottish independence whilst aiding Westminster's media spin
campaign against us.
4) As the Regulator, Westminster's BBC has
banned any other news network except the BBC from independently covering
the Scottish Independence referendum, so any international coverage has
only been a biased drip fed amalgamation of misrepresentation of the
truth of the positive campaign.
We are rightly opposed to the BBC
acting as the Regulator and there is much evidence to support bias and
unfair almost unilateral presentation of Westminster spin in favour of the negative campaign!
is an outrage and is not in the spirit of the Human Rights Act, to
provide equal suffrage in campaigning in democratic governance elections!
the undersigned hereby demand in the interests of democracy, that the
regulator is replaced by an independent Regulator perhaps outside these
islands, which has no involvement with either side of the campaign!