Jackson Kennedy 0

Replace the Mona Lisa with the TLOP 4 Cover

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I think it’s about time we do something about the antiquated and uninspiring piece of art in the Louvre, known as the Mona Lisa. The Misogynistic views that Leonardo DiCaprio has is reflected within the painting, and with an ever evolving society, I think it’s time we bring something much more meaningful to the public eye. My proposal? Mona Lisa out, TLOP4 (The Life of Pi’erre) album cover in. Pi’erre Bourne is the modern day Mozart, Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, whoever the hell you like, Pi’erre embodies all the proper personality and skilled traits the greats of our society once had. He has renowned views on life as said in the final song of the album, Pi’erre proclaims that “Damn, life crazy.” Also featured on the album is Pi’erre’s willingness to be alone, a trait many lack today. Pi’erre beautifully writes, “You can do better by yourself, I can do better by myself,” on his song “Stereotypes”. The Mona Lisa lacks any kind of creative juices that Pi’erre clearly has.


Pi’erre Bourne’s album TLOP4 (The Life of Pi’erre 4) simply has the creativity and depth of meaning that the Mona Lisa clearly lacks. It would absolutely be the right decision to replace the outdated and antiquated Mona Lisa with the inspiring, awakening album cover of TLOP4 (The Life of Pi’erre 4).

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