Request for Oakdale Condominum Association Special Meeting
We ask to be given a special meeting to remove Jennifer Addington, Joshua Olsen and Angela Rolf. And install new members at that meeting. These members were all making invalid votes which Alchemy put into affect. Alchemy was also notified these votes were invalid, but acted as they were good votes. They must notify all 5 members of each vote and be given a chance to vote. 3 members were only notified there were votes being taken. This happened numerous times essentially prohibiting other board members to cast a vote or even being aware issues were being passed. Because of doing this one board member was removed when they did not have the votes to do that. Alchemy was aware of the invalid votes but propragated what these 3 members did. This is prohibited in our governing documents and these votes are deemed invalid. Angela Rolf also is in violation of bylaw 6.1. She can not be a board members as she was in arrears of assessment payments at the time she was voted on to the board. All her votes have to be deemed invalid. The 3 board members decided they did not want to release Alchemy but wanted to support them. Although the intent was to throw out Alchemy by throwing out the board instead these 3 members silenced other members who did not support keeping Alchemy. They and Alchemy used corruption to meet their goal. They voted they no longer would allow owners to contact the board members. So, after the corruption had been revealed that Alchemy and the board knowingly charged the owners more then 363K they should not have. What do they do? They try to shut off the source of this information and declare the board and Alchemy are doing the very best for their owners and did not address the fraudulent scheme of trying to walk off with 363K. Here is copy of Angelas email:
Dear all OCA members, please be advised that the email address: is not, and never was a Board approved email address.
This is Darlene’s personal email account that she created on her own accord and should be treated as such, along with the false claims being made within it.
The Board of Directors has never agreed, voted on, nor approved the use of this email address and will not be using it for any official business.
If you have any questions or concerns please send them directly to Alchemy via the portal, phone, or in writing.
Please be assured that we, your Board of Directors, are here for YOU as fellow members and neighbors! We have only your best interests at heart and are acting as advised by Management, our Association’s Attorney, and on majority vote.
Thank you, on behalf of the OCA Board of Directors,
(they also had no majority vote as claimed here because other members were cut off from the voting process). We don't know how much is missing. Alchemy should have been cut off from all of our funds and an immediate investigation started. These people are not working for our interests. Then there is the issue of 5 board members passing the assessment. Not one verified what the amount was that we were suppose to pay to Pro24? That would be hard to believe. Two of the old board members listed here signed that contract. This has been one of the biggest issues, old board members obtaining and signing bad contracts. They have fudiciary responsibilities to the owners. These board members can not be trusted to do the right thing for members. So, in light of what has been written, the owners are left to remove these owners and deal with the fraud by what ever means they can. This is corruption at ever level. Apparently we need to remove all members this time to clear the HOA of this corruption. These board members have costed attorney fees for the association that is cash poor and wasted our time. The owners apparently need to keep going through the process of removing boards who can not manage, lack transparency for their own devices, do not have the ability or desire to manage the property manager, can't read an assessment or read a contract before they sign it. And do not make the owners interest their priority. Other discrepancy's where found on the balance sheets. We may be broke we don't know. The 3 board members voted to allow Alchemy to check the current monthly balance sheets which the other 2 members did not want or agree to as it is the job of the board to check them monthly. This was previously happening for years where the old board never checked balance sheets or expenditures. These 3 individuals turned all their responsibilities to Alchemy. Board members have to manage the association and the reason our HOA is in such bad shape is the board members turn every responsibility over to the property manager. We need to find members who will do the work and make sure the association is being run like it should be. These 3 people have refused to do that and attempted to remove anyone who does not agree to leave all responsibility to the property manager.