Residents Against the Trinity Hall Project
Say 'NO' to the Trinity Hall Development inMiddletown
There are plans to push through planning permission to build a school on 27 acres of farmland on Chapel Hill Road, affecting wetlands, protected birds, and other local wildlife.
Building a school in this area, will not only be a disaster for the rural areas affected, but will also add congestion and traffic to Chapel Hill Road.
Chapel Hill is a small road with dangerous turns and no shoulders. There are dozens of accidents on this road every year....some fatal. It is no place for hundreds of teenagers to navigate on a daily basis.
Moreover, the school, a 501(c)(3) will pay NO TAXES. And yet ALL Middletown taxpayers will have to pay, through, their taxes, to support this school!
Putting it simply, there are better places to build a school, that will meet Trinity Hall's needs, without destroying rural habitats and the alluring privacy of the Chapel Hill area and creating a dangerous situation for students and residents alike.
For these reasons, we ask you to object to the proposed development and show your opposition by signing this petition!