Resignation Request
To the Senior Pastor and the Leadership Team of The Rock Church,
It has come to light that there has been division and strife between the staff members and the Senior Pastor for some time now. As these issues have been unable to be resolved under the leadership of the Senior Pastor we, the undersigned Ministry Partners and congregants, feel it is now time to seek the replacement of our current Senior Pastor to one who is capable of leading our staff and the congregation into a new season of spiritual and ministry growth.
This letter is an expression of our “Vote of No Confidence” in Pastor Matt Ransom and his ability to lead our church. We understand the severity of this decision and did not arrive at it hastily.
We, as Ministry Partners and congregants, thank Matt Ransom for the past few years of service and seek God’s will for the direction his path will take after his time at The Rock has drawn to a close. We also thank his family for their support of Matt, and the contributions and love they have shared with our church body during their time at The Rock.
Please accept the signatures below as our formal request as a body of believers to seek the resignation and removal of Matt Ransom as Senior Pastor of the Rock Church effective immediately.