Respect our Communities & Respect Our Parks

Disclaimer: The request for donations is an appeal from Ipetitions.com. None of these funds go in support of the Respect our Communities Initiative.
We, the undersigned friends and residents of Yonkers support our community’s parks. Yonkers is New York’s fastest growing city. Current and future residents need expanded parkland - not parking structures for real estate ventures. We demand that the City respect our community by requiring all parking for the proposed Glenwood Power Plant development be placed on the project’s site - as would be required of any other development. We further demand that our elected officials work with all of the community to develop a fair and just plan for access to the Power Plant site that does not violate Trevor Park or JFK Marina. The taxpayers and voters are the key to our City’s success – not developers! Sponsored by Friends of Trevor Park, Hudson River Community Association,River Communities Coalition of Yonkers and Yonkers Committee for Smart Development.