Responsible Development In Newtown
We, the undersigned are opposed to the proposed development for property located at 79 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT. This pertains to the application submitted by 79 Church Hill Road, LLC. and/or its agents. We are opposed to the request of zone change and in addition are opposed to the proposed change of language and any change of language in any property zone that would change any set back requirements including those to route 84 and its exits and entrances. The interstate and its exits and entrances should continue to be considered a street as it presents the same dangers as such. We are also in opposition to this development due to its proximity with the aquifer and the aquifer recharge zone. Due to the size of this project, (which contains parking for over 600 cars), the runoff, as well as chemical contaminants from vehicles that park in that area will present a health hazard to those (roughly half the town) who rely on this source for clean drinking water. We also have concern that the disturbance to the aquifer will affect area well production adversely. Additionally, we request that the 32 +/- acres that are not currently in the sewer district be denied access to the town sewer. Any reserve in the town system should be held for the manner in which it was originally designed, to service the needs of failing septic systems or future failing systems in already developed residential zones. Lastly, traffic is a large concern, knowing that a project of this size will create a major safety issue to pedestrians as well as vehicular traffic in this already accident prone, heavily traveled area. We respectfully request that the pertinent Commissions have their own studies done, and not rely on and base their decisions on the outcome of the studies submitted by the developer.