Restore funds to the education budget!
Please protect our schools! The arbitrary cut of $1MM to the BOE budget (while not touching the town side of the budget) after the first failed referendum was draconian and unbalanced. It is time for the Legislative Council members to listen to those who are communicating with them! Restoring $1MM to the BOE budget will result in additional tax increase of $85 on a property tax bill of $8,000 (for a total tax increase of $187). $85 a year is a small price to pay to invest in our children, our community, and our property values! After the 2nd budget referendum failed, about 250 education supporters took the time to send e-mails to the Legislative Council to support education. The BOE reduced the Superintendent's budget request by $1.5MM, the BOF reduced the BOE budget by another $700,000 and the LC reduced the BOF budget by $1MM for a total of $3.2MM. More than $5MM has been reduced by the town boards in the last three years. Newtown is ranked 34th for wealth and is now ranked 149 out of 169 towns for per pupil expenditure. It dropped from 134th when the school budget request was reduced by $2.3MM two years ago. The previous Legislative Council restored the school budget reduction by $200,000 two years ago after the 2nd defeated budget referendum when many residents voted NO because the school budget was too low. The BOE chair stated the $1MM cut "will be a challenge" and she “can’t guarantee that programs will not be cut”. Regrettably, the BOE has not provided any specifics on where the cuts will come from. Please sign the petition so that we are prepared to support education if the budget proposal is defeated at the 3rd budget referendum on June 5th. Our children deserve more!