Restore Hrbek Fields
Hrbek Fields in Bloomington are falling apart. The city has ignored these once great youth fields for too long. Dangerous lips in the infield, uneven playing surfaces around the batter's boxes, broken down batting cages and deteriorating mounds are just some of the issues in this crumbling, broken down complex, which sits on the corner of 90th and Nicollet Avenue.
Hrbek Fields are close to 30 years old. Has the infield grass ever been replaced? The four fields need to be stripped clean, re-leveled with new agri-lime and then fresh sod laid down, along with other cosmetic upgrades.
We need 1,000 signatures to take this petition to the city. Youth baseball players, whether in the Bloomington Travel Baseball Association, the Bloomington Athletic Association or visiting teams from other cities, deserve clean, upgraded, safe fields.