Restore our neighborhood
Deny the developers special zoning for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) as requested by Sinatra Real Estate and Ellicott Development for re-development of the former Women’s and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. The developers should not be allowed to circumvent the standard requirements of the Unified Development Plan (Green Code). Protect the scale and character of our neighborhood.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to see that PUD is denied. Also:
* Make renovation of the hospital a priority to prevent further deterioration;
* No new retail except on Elmwood Avenue;
* No shops larger than 3500 sf to conform to the Green Code;
* No retail on West Utica Street;
* Create a one-acre park as a place to gather, play, and reflect;
* No demolition of existing houses.
* No sale of parking ramp to developers;