Resurrect Halo 2!
Resurrect Halo 2 is a campaign aimed at bringing Halo 2 back online. This petition is to show Microsoft just how many people still want to play Halo 2 online. This petition is for the old school players, such as myself, to the new school players that have never played Halo 2 online. For the old school gamers, many of us want to re-visit the gameplay experience the introduced us to online gaming. Many of the new school gamers want to play Halo 2 because they are new to the Halo series, and unfortunately it is hard to find a copy of Halo 2, Halo 2 is not on the Xbox Marketplace, and the servers are offline. Fortunately, this presents a good opportunity for Microsoft. If Halo 2 was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace, the sales would easily pay for the servers needed and the maintenance and up keep of the servers. We also all pay for a service, and because we pay, we expect this service to work. We will not stand for a only a remake! Halo Anniversary was a disappointment to many because the multiplayer experience was just Halo Reach, tacked onto Halo CE campaign. Many may not mind this, but that is for the simple fact that they most likely have not played Halo CE, or Halo 2 for that matter, online.... lets show Microsoft how many people still want to play Halo 2 online. Lets get these servers back online!