Save Witney Community Football Stadium

I am creating this petition to stop the potential development happening on the grounds containing the Witney Community Football Stadium down Downs Road in Witney. Despite its current condition to get rid of it all together would be a disaster to the area as I still see an awful lot of potential in the stadium and its position within the community. It can become a social hub for so much more than football, it can be used for other sporting activities, a music venue, a place for business meetings, car boots, parties, conferences. The list could go on. But obviously this town deserves a quality senior men and womens football team to play there and represent this great little town and also used to let kids play in a quality football stadium, which was something I loved doing when I was growing up. The football club has history whether in its current Downs Road residence of when it was down Marriotts Close back in the day. Lets create a new start and get the money invested more wisely than the proposed housing, hotel and business hub that has been proposed. I feel this is a huge opportunity that we shouldn't waste lets get enough signatures together to show the council what we think and let them rethink what this town really needs. I will attach a link to the proposed action that will be taken place on the site so you can get a full understanding of what I am talking about. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate each and every signature that I get. This town is growing all the time lets not play catch on something that can be of benefit to everybody not just today but for years to come.