RETAIN ODX Above is a link to educational information for exhibitors and judges on the Open Dog Excellent Direct Open Exercises. ODX will be offered beginning 6/1/2013. Circulating with a Petition to recall the ODX is a singular U-tube demo with a top-in-the-country dog and exhibitor demoing. The demo was not performed in a trial situation. Most exhibitors and dogs will find these directed exercises quite challenging and even stressful in trial situations. Many exhibitors have asked for an open class with no group exercises (out of sight sit and out of sight down). The CDX has been left as-is for all obedience exhibitors. The ODX shares the same five individual exercises as named at the link above but substitutes in the directed open exercises for the group exercises. Over 50% responding to the ASCA survey requested this change. The Obedience Committee chose to listen to both sides of the issue with regard to Group Exercises. The Committee and Board retained CDX as-is and implemented the ODX as a new open class.