Youth Power | Lower the Voting Age in New Orleans
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Rethink’s mission is to support youth of color in becoming thoughtful and capable leaders through the process of critically rethinking their educational experiences and taking action to create systemic change.
Rethinkers believe that Black people deserve to be treated as human beings worthy of dignity and respect. Each system a person interacts with throughout their lives MUST reflect the humanity and dignity they deserve. We have outlined our 5ive point platform that reflects what we demand from each system and what we intend to build for ourselves.
We young New Orleanians want to lower the local voting age to 14. Sign this petition if you are willing to support our campaign.
W H Y L O W E R T H E V O T I N G A G E ?
- There are approximately 45,000 students in New Orleans.
- By lowering the voting age to 14, it will ensure that youth voice counts in the political sphere.
- All local political decisions have great influence on the lives of youth.
- By lowering the local voting age, school board candidates will have to be accountable to the population they most directly affect – youth.
- Lowering the voting age will give youth the experience of voting and having a choice of who they think will represent their best interest.