![Return Barfing Dragon (Pot Farm) to originally obtained/promoted status which gave Pot Luck Seeds - not Surprise Seeds!](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/21.webp)
Return Barfing Dragon (Pot Farm) to originally obtained/promoted status which gave Pot Luck Seeds - not Surprise Seeds!
The Barfing Dragon has been changed from the original item which gave PotLuck Seeds to an item that now gives random Surprise Seeds. Many Pot Farm players may have actually invested money into obtaining this item in a quest because it gave PotLuck Seeds. PotLuck seeds only gave items that were sold for Pot Bucks. Pot Farm has now changed the Barfing Dragon to now give less valuable seeds. Surprise Seeds give many old theme seeds and less valuable seeds. This action on Pot Farm's behalf is no different then buying a Mercedes which turns into a Focus after you have purchased it and brought it home. How many of you would NOT have invested in obtaining this dragon if you knew this was the outcome? Whether you invested money or not this action on Pot Farm's behalf is inappropriate. Why did they do this? Because "some people have supposedly used the Dragon Puke obtained to cheat with seed generators." NOTE: SOME PEOPLE. So you now lose this item because of some people. Pot Farm decided to punish everyone for the actions of some. Seems there should be another way for them to control this cheating which did not result in you having to accept the original form of this item being changed to a less valuable item. If you want your Barfing Dragon returned to it's orginal state where you get the PotLuck Seeds originally advertised and promoted then sign this petition. It's time to take a stand against Pot Farm. Remember: You, the fans, made them what they are and you can take that back.