Reverse King George County's Decision to Start School Prior to Labor Day
Hello King George County residents. We all know about the school boards decision last year to move our children's start date from post Labor Day, which has been the start date for many decades, to August with very little notice. That decision left many families not just upset, but also in a bind. Whether it be from rescheduling already booked family vacations, scrambling to adjust daycare scheduling to adjusting their own work schedules. Many families were not able to make that adjustment with such short notice from the school board which forced their children to attend later than the newly scheduled school year start date.
Guess what King George.... THEY ARE AT IT AGAIN!!!
The King George County school board recently gave all King George residents the opportunity to vote on three more options for start dates. These options were chosen by the members of the school board. Those dates were August 15, August 22 and the traditional post Labor Day option September 6.
Here are the results: August 15 received 409 votes, August 22 received 496 votes and of course September 6 received the most votes at 738. The school boards decision to go with the option that received the least amount of votes has left many of us scratching our heads. Back to back changes from our school board and yet again with little notice does not have to be tolerated. We do not need to be in the same bind we were in just a year ago. We have spoken and they do not care. They gave us the opportunity to vote and they do not value our say.
It is up to us my fellow King George County residents. Our frustration should not only be heard but also acknowledged. Please help us out King George and sign this petition. What we think is best for our children is up to us, not them. A post Labor Day start time has not just been a tradition, but is also what the voters chose.