Reverse the "School Start Time" Initiative

We oppose the 2019-20 School Start Time (aka SSL) initiative currently being considered by the Ridgefield BOE. With this petition, we ask that the BOE cease its pursuit of the School Start Time initiative. We believe that if adopted, the budgetary cost consequences will result in adverse educational outcomes for students, teachers and the district. The financial cost to implement and annually support School Start Time will impede the district’s ability to invest in our current initiatives as well as prevent exploration of future ones.
ANY Ridgefield taxpayers in agreement with the above are encouraged to sign this petition. After signing, please use the comment section to note whether you are a “taxpayer”* or a “taxpaying RPS parent” and include the school(s) that your child(ren) attend(s) in parentheses. (Including this information will allow the BOE to verify signees Ridgefield residency.)
Please do not have your children or non-residents sign this petition, and do not use the “anonymous” option.
Feel free to include any personal or particular objections you may have to the School Start Time initiative in the comments section since these will be submitted to the BOE for the public record.
We are not asking for donations, so please DO NOT give $ after signing, as per the ipetition request.