Stop the REZONING @ 25 Mile and Romeo Plank
Citizens for a Better Macomb Township 0

Stop the REZONING @ 25 Mile and Romeo Plank

169 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Citizens for a Better Macomb Township 0 Comments
169 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

On Tuesday, June 20th at 7PM at Township Hall there is a hearing regarding a proposal to re-zone "Phase 3" of Wolverine Country Club from R-1 (Single-Family Homes) to R-2-L (Residential Multiple Family Low Density) and intend to build duplexes. THIS IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE SURROUNDING ZONING AND WILL CREATE A TRAFFIC NIGHTMARE AND POSE SIGNIFICANT SAFETY ISSUES.

Why the request should be denied:

1.) This is not consistent with the Master Plan and introduces a pattern and density of housing not consistent with the surrounding neighborhood zoning. This type of "spot-rezoning" will cause significant problems for the area in the future.

2.) It places the health, safety and welfare of the residents at sigificant risk because of poor traffic flows, lack of sidewalks, and a delayed ability for fire and safety vehicles to reach the area with narrow 2-lane roads and no shoulders or traffic lights.

3.) When multi-family comes in whether it’s R-1 or R-2 whatever the case is the township has no say in what the ownership of those units will be, the ownership can’t be regulated through the township, so we do need to be careful when handing out multi-family zoning in certain areas where apartments and condominiums are a concern.

4.) This is not a proposal for apartments or condominiums only for a rezoning to R-2-L for multiple family and the only debate is on the rezoning itself and the impact that any type of development of an R-2-L zoning could have on the surrounding area. THE DEVELOPER DOESN'T NEED TO SHARE PLANS, AND IF THEY DO IT IS NOT BINDING AND COULD BE CHANGED!!

5.) Once this rezoning is approved, it opens the door for other developments in the area. This includes the property at 25 Mile and Luchtman owned by Treasurer, Karen Goodhue, who also wants to build condos. It creates a requirement to approve because it would be consistent with the area if this initial request is granted.

Please sign and share this information with your neighbors!

If you can attend the meeting and share your concerns about the safety of our residents, that would be helpful too.

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