Rip Off Report Victims Uniting Against Defamation.
We are the victims of the website's known as Rip Off Report and Rip Off We are coming together to try to find relief from these website's that are allowing false, unproven reports to be posted which have affected our businesses, reputations in the community, personal relationships and peace of mind. The reports have in many cases been written, we believe, by competitor's or as revenge and no effort has been made to substantiate the authenticity of the author. It is stated by the owner of the site, Ed Magedson, that no report shall be removed and as recourse we have the rebuttal process at our disposal. However, if used, this process places you in a position to be on the front page of Google if a search of your company or name is conducted. Also, the rebuttal system will not allow you to place a rebuttal or comment most of the time, leaving you frustrated and upset. Emails go unanswered when you try to address this problem to the staff or Editor. This is our stories. If you have had a good experience or plan to rant here, it will be deleted. You can start your own petition for that process. You will be anonymous in this process so that you do not have to worry about retribution, as many have in the past. The only person who will see a way to contact you will be myself. If you want to create an email just for that purpose, I understand. With enough support, perhaps we can take this to another level. We just need to be united. To come together for a class action, or to take this to congress or wherever it would need to go to have the CDA reviewed and revamped. Please do not run away. This is for all of us. I want the site shut down.