Riverside Rezoning Request Opposition
Please show up to the Orangeburg County Council meeting this Monday, April 17, 2023 at 5:30pm at the County Administration Building located at 1437 Amelia. Please wear red to support the opposition to this rezoning request.
Please sign this petition to show your opposition to a rezoning request of approximately 251 acre tract of land located off Riverbank Drive in Orangeburg, SC from FA (Forest Agricultural) to RG (Residential General). If this rezoning request is approved, it will allow for all manner of housing (apartments, mobile homes, etc.). No traffic studies have been completed, no environmental studies have been completed, all areas surrounding this planned development are zoned (RS) Residential Single Family. Contact Orangeburg County Council and voice your opposition to this request. Tell them you do not want this property rezoned.
Email the Orangeburg County Planning Commission: asievers@orangeburgcounty.org
Amanda J. Sievers, (asievers@orangeburgcounty.org)
Planning Director
Planning & Zoning Department
O: 803-268-2934 ꟾ F: 803-531-7256