Roblox Voice Chat

So if you guys read my forum post (I'll link you to it at the bottom of the description, please read it if you haven't already), you'll know I want to try to get Roblox to start integrating voice chat. Possibly for account of ages 13+, voice chat would be a great thing to use on Roblox to create a greater connected audience. It would encourage people to create friendships and possibly start connections outside of Roblox, like on Youtube or Twitch. Even if this could be a Builder's Club Exclusive for 13+, I'd pay for it if it mean't I could have voice chat. This would not only raise the amount of BC subscriptions, but it was connect the audience as a whole. This just shouts more money for Roblox which means more fun for players. If you guys like this idea, send this petition link to the Roblox's Facebook and Twitter to get their attention. If they are streaming, mention it there too (Please don't spam it.) If anyone from Roblox is interested in this idea, my business email is kevmurf641@comcast.net and my Roblox username is SheerCoid. Thanks mates!
Forum Post: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostI...