Rodney is not a Dump
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

‘Cleanfill’ tip sites are growing in number, scale and frequency across our district.
One minute you are enjoying the quiet countryside living our district offers, the next minute you could have 30-70 trucks a day roaring up your street, covering your house with dust, disturbing your quiet enjoyment of your property and neighbourhood, and ruining our roads.
It can happen anytime and anywhere.
If you think this activity is not compatible with the sort of lifestyle our community wants and the vision we all have for our district as a peaceful rural area with outstanding wine, food, recreational and lifestyle attractions, then we need your support.
The latest example of this activity is a Cleanfill tip 'Attwood/Neill' applied for in May 2012. This is a 15 year, 370,000 cubic metre ‘cleanfill’ tip on a Pioneer Lane farm in Kumeu.
This is a non-complying activity which they tried to make non-notified because only 3 properties would be affected according to them, although there are to be up to 150 truck movements a day. Publicly notified, the application received 433 submissions in opposition and only 11 for.
Their proposed designated route takes them on fragile rural roads and not past their own family homes. Instead they are imposing 15 years of hell on residents and neighbours for their own private commercial gain.
The Council report contains a recommendation to the independent hearings panel that consent should be granted subject to 78 recommended conditions.
The hearings panel are not bound or constrained in any way by the council’s reporting planner.
We want Council to;
Put a hold on the Pioneer Lane cleanfill application.
Place a moratorium on all further Cleanfill tip sites in our district.
Engage in a formal process with the community to determine if this is a suitable activity for our District.
Place a moratorium on all further Cleanfill tip sites in our district.
Engage in a formal process with the community to determine if this is a suitable activity for our District.
Even if you have submitted on this application, please support our petition and forward to all your contacts and other people who object to this sort of bureaucratic bullying.
It is time to put a stop to an activity that is ruining our neighbourhoods.
Rodney is not a dump!
Doug Thode
Campaign Spokesman.
Phone: 09 412 8545
Phelan Pirrie
Online Campaign Material
Phone: 021 844 124