Keep Ross Street Students Safe

We oppose the proposed strip mall, Ross Mocci Plaza, to be built at the corner of Ross Street and Amboy Ave. in Woodbridge, New Jersey. This strip mall would be located across the street from an elementary school and directly across from the school playground where young children enjoy recess and physical education classes on a daily basis. Once completed, the strip mall will eliminate much needed on-street parking; introduce unecessary traffic congestion and additional traffic volume around Ross Street; and most importantly, threaten our children\'s safety by attracting transients and strangers to the area and introduce a safety hazard to the children who walk to and from school. Sadly, no one can offer a one hundred percent guarantee that a violent or serious traffic-related incident will not occur once this strip mall is built. The young children of this township should be our first priority. Say \"No\" to Mocci Ross Plaza. This petition is open and ongoing until a planning board hearing date is scheduled by the township. Help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures. Email this website address to all of your friends, coworkers, and family anywhere in the U.S.