Roundabout Fix
Please sign to have the Town of Exeter look to fix the intersection by Pine Street/Linden Street (Epoch/Exeter Inn/St Micheals/TUCK/YMCA). We need a safer traffic flow for the residents, neighbors, visitors, businesses, schools, and church!
A Roundabout has been suggested with the examples of the towns of Rye using one at Rte 1/1A, Newburyport in front of Maudsley State Park, and Bedford at Meetinghouse Road/MCC having success with the Roundabout to solve confusion and driving issues in the area.
A Roundabout by Pine Street/Linden Street will be a positive help to the local businesses, church, academic, residential and recreational areas of the town. It effects all ages as The TUCK center houses daycare to Adult Ed classes, the Y has offerings to all ages, the fields are used by multi -sports and ages, Voting takes place, we encourage business at the Exeter Inn and Epoch, and St. Michaels Church is a beloved church for many in the community.
No more confusion or cutting thru Gill Street! A roundabout solves the traffic flow!