Re-modding Mod Lucky
Hello everyone this is Mod Lucky from
I am making this petition to try and get my moderating duties back. The owner of, Runechat GP or MX, stated that he fired me for the following reasons.
I "lately have been bring bad energy to the website and the community."
and I "[talk] down with in an attitude towards our customers"
He says all these things without providing proof of to when I did this. I strongly disagree with his statements as they are not true. I work hard to make sure this site runs smoothly, and I put a lot of work to create a good community. I truly think the only reason he is firing me is because of the amount of money I make, he wants a cheaper option.
He has done this before (Holic) and i think its a a disgrace at this point. Things need to change. So I am asking you to sign this petition in supporting me to try and get Mod Lucky (me) remodded.
-Mod Lucky