Stockbridge Center Traffic Light
As you are aware, traffic in Steamboat has become increasingly difficult in the last several years. For those residents in Copper Mountain Estates and Sunlight, traffic has become more dangerous and nearly impossible to navigate onto Hwy 40 as increases in finished homes, coupled with contractors and other construction workers, UPS, FedEx, Comcast, inspectors, resident’s guest, and interested prospects continue to access these two neighborhoods. As of the end of 2021, it is estimated that 63 homes will be complete in Sunlight with an additional 10 complete in 2022. This is in addition to the 60 residences located in Copper Mountain Estates. The road that is servicing most of the residents in both neighborhoods is Indian Trails and the intersection at Hwy 40 and Indian Trails has become incredibly difficult to navigate. With consistent traffic flowing both east and west on Hwy 40, at most times of the day, it has become very dangerous for the residents in these neighborhoods to access Hwy 40 and head east, or to cross Hwy 40 to access the core trail. Roughly half of the people living in Sunlight and Copper Mountain Estates are local children who regularly use the intersection to cross over to the Core Trail and transit center.
Both neighborhoods have a high proportion of “locals” that live and work in the Yampa Valley every day. This is important to note as they are going to work, shop and play every day, not just when they are here on vacation, but leaving and returning from home multiple times per day. It is estimated that between the two neighborhoods, there are currently 300 vehicles accessing Hwy 40 from Indian Trails. Most of the residents in both neighborhoods are not second homeowners that are only here for parts of the season, and only here to come-and-go on occasion. This has made the intersection of Indian Trails and Hwy 40 extremely difficult to navigate with many drivers “taking chances” to even gain access to the center turning lane, let alone the rare occurrence you can turn left from Indian Trails and cross both lanes of traffic to travel east bound. There is also a significant number of adults and children, often walking alone, utilizing this intersection to access the core trail and the bus stop at Stockbridge, yet there is no crosswalk to promote a safe crossing. Our plea to you is to PLEASE prioritize improvements at this intersection before anyone gets injured.
Some statistics for your consideration:
· Copper Mountain Estates consists of 58 residences and two commercial buildings with an estimated 155.4 citizens. Sunlight currently consists of 56 occupied residences and is estimated to have 63 occupied residences as of 12/31/2021 with an estimated 144.48 citizens. When Sunlight is complete with 98 residences, it will have an estimated 252.84 citizens.
· Copper Mountain Estates has an estimated 120 vehicles and Sunlight will have an estimated 126 vehicles by year-end and 196 when fully built out. That projects that up-to 316 vehicles could be utilizing the Indian Trails and Hwy 40 intersection to access Hwy 40 in the coming years.
· According to the tax mailing addresses from the Routt County Assessor GIS site, it is estimated that Sunlight has 77% local ownership, as of 7/01/2021.
· Copper Mountain Estates is estimated to have a local ownership of 93%
The residents Copper Mountain Estates have been using this intersection for several decades and have experienced the impact of increased traffic volume on Hwy 40, and the corresponding traffic challenges. The Sunlight Neighborhood received preliminary plat approval in 2013 and began construction in 2016 with phase 1 final plat approved in 2017. The Development Agreement between The City of Steamboat Springs and the developer of Sunlight referenced intersection improvements at the Hwy 40 and Indian Trails intersection with the developer making financial contributions to the improvements of these intersections. The City, and associated staff, have been aware of the growth potential and needed intersection improvements for 7+ years and should have planned accordingly.
The undersigned residents of Copper Mountain Estates and Sunlight are requesting that The City of Steamboat Springs Staff and Steamboat Springs City Council seriously consider the movement of the Stockbridge Center stoplight be moved immediately in order to protect the 300 citizens of Steamboat Springs as well as the thousands of drivers that access this corridor every day on Hwy 40.