This petition is to help Salisbury, Maryland achieve
its goal of having a FREE, safe, state of the art
public skateboard park for all to use.
When we (The Salisbury Skatepark Committee) first started our mission, 6 years ago, it was based on the goal of providing a free and safe public park. The park was to provide the community, as a whole, with a place that would meet a need that is currently unmet. Our mission has not changed.
We have held many successful fundraisers and events to raise community awareness, build momentum and raise funds toward this goal. The citizens of Salisbury, MD have responded to our efforts in a very positive manner. Many citizens of not only Salisbury City, but Wicomico county and neighboring counties have invested time and money towards our goal based on our mission. It was never part of our mission to hold 'big events' at our skatepark or to set the park to be one of profit. Our mission was simply to provide a safe, FREE, state of the art place for people to skateboard and enjoy what a wonderful city Salisbury really is.
The site that is being funded for, by the state, through the Department of Natural Resources on South Park Drive has all the ingredients to fulfill our mission. This site was fully researched by the Maryland D.N.R. and found to meet all requirements, including environmental impact, for both phase I & II of the skatepark. There is 14,000 of workable square footage in addition to on and off street parking. A wonderful spot to build such a great amenity for the City of Salisbury.
The most important piece of this puzzle is that the Salisbury City Council has to approve the DNR funding for the park before anything happens. Without the approval of the City Council there will be no public skatepark. The Salisbury City Council has decided to NOT APPROVE the funding at this time.
We have an opportunity to meet an unmet need for our city. An opportunity to complete our mission and give to our community what it has asked for. These opportunities don't happen everyday and we should be thankful and proud to have this opportunity. So I ask that you please sign this petition and help convince Salisbury's City Council to approve the fundings and bring a skatepark to Salisbury, MD.