Sarasota Roller Girls, LLC.
Roller derby is an American-invented sport. It involves physical contact and teamwork and requires a Do-It-Yourself attitude. Contemporary teams are legally incorporated as limited liability companies and this petition has been organized to uphold that trend and to provide Sarasota Roller Girls, LLC with the opportunity to build a strong and resilient team based upon the tenets of Roller Derby - "TEAM OWNED. TEAM OPERATED".
By signing this petition, you agree to the following:
1. Sarasota Roller Girls, LLC, is "TEAM OWNED. TEAM OPERATED". Not one (1) person, individual, corporation, entity has sole control or governing rights regarding the 'Company' or its' functioning.
2. Any decisions made for or on behalf of the team, shall be made at the discretion of the 'Board' and/or appropriate "Committees"; whom are elected prior to the start of each derby year, by the members of Sarasota Roller Girls.
3. Members of the 'Board' and/or 'Committees' agree to full transparency, openess, honesty, and integrity, as elected and agree to clearly communicate ALL team related matters to ALL team members in a timely, clear and respectful manner.
4. Sarasota Roller Girls will be operated within the framework of similar, successful, pre-existing Roller-Derby teams and adapted to the needs of Sarasota Roller Girls, LLC.
5. All opinions, thoughts, viewpoints of all Sarasota Roller Derby members shall have equal and open opportunity to be heard in a dedicated forum, established by the team and moderated by an external, unbiased, outside source. This shall be agreed upon by the team prior to the beginning of the new season.
6. The ‘Board’ is a 5 member elected position, non-paid post, which is held for 1 year.
7. Election to the ‘Board’ is made by Sarasota Roller Girls members and election to the board is made upon individual merit and professional ability. Nominations and election is an open process and is voted upon by all members of the team.
8. All opinions, thoughts, viewpoints of all Sarasota Roller Derby members shall have equal and open opportunity to be heard in a dedicated forum, established by the team and moderated by an external, unbiased, outside source. This shall be agreed upon by the team prior to the beginning of the new season.
9. All Sarasota Roller Girls agree to abide by an appropriate Code of Conduct that represents Sarasota Roller Girls in a respectful, positive and team-centered approach.
10. Individuals or team members participating in disrespectful or hate-speech of any-kind will not be tolerated and behavior of such will be reviewed by a Team Conflict and Resolution Panel (TCaRP); elected by the team.
11. The aforementioned agreements are NOT all-inclusive, but represent a small and summary text of the Articles of Incorporation, that are yet to be established and of which input is required by ALL members of the Sarasota Roller Derby team.